Continued from Part 6 Continue with me in part 7, my final part, of my genetic genealogy journey of a temporary brick wall for yet another new DNA mystery match that had just showed up, when I already know all the descendants in that line! I left off last, in Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 6, with it being narrowed down even further. I had ended up with my match having a higher possibility of being my grandfather’s great grandchild or my great uncle’s great grandchild. Let’s check my uncle’s cMs matched to the mystery match for another perspective. If I use the same method I used on my own cMs to narrow down the possible relations that I used in Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 5 and Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 6, by eliminating what is not practical against my Uncle’s centimorgans matched to him, the possibilities are: 1c2r, 1c1r, ½ great- nephew. The histogram findings in the DNA Painter Shared cM Tool are: 1c2r (highest on histograms) ...his uncle’s (aka my great uncle) great grandchild??? Even though this wasn’t necessary, this narrowed it down even more for me! It always helps by getting rid of another generation to deal with. 😉 I now have one possible relationship to work with! In summary, I am now confident that my match is my 2c1r and my uncle’s 1c2r (my great uncle’s/my uncle’s uncle’s great-great grandchild). There are also no other unknown/mystery matches matched to my mystery match as of yet. Even though we would have the same shared matches of course, it is easier to see them from his shared matches with me, as opposed to my thousands of shared matches to that line, since he is only half related to that line. Oh my gosh, I finally got a working number for my matches mom, near the end of this second day on this! I’m going to call now and get back to you all! I called my match’s mom and spoke to her for a while. I made sure to ask pertinent questions to see which of my match’s 4 grandparents could be my great uncle’s child. I asked if she had tested, and she said she had. Since his mom said she had tested, and I know I am not a match to her, her 2 lines/my match’s 2 maternal grandparents are out. That now leaves me with 2 possible children for my great uncle, one of either of my match’s paternal grandparents. I asked if her husband looked more like his father or his mother, and she stated that he looked just like his father; my matches father does not really resemble my great uncle or our family. I was hoping to get a photo of her husband’s parents (my match’s paternal grandparents and one being the probable child of my great uncle), but she said she didn’t have access to any pictures right now, as she had just moved. Hmmmmmmmm, my match’s paternal grandmother’s mother was in Sedgwick County, KS at the time her daughter (my match’s paternal grandmother) was born in 1930. My great uncle was also in Sedgwick County, KS at that time. My match’s paternal grandmother’s mother was also married only a little less than 5 months before the birth of her daughter (my match’s paternal grandmother). My match’s paternal grandfather’s mother was in Cloud County, KS, just four counties over, at the time her son (my match’s paternal grandfather) was born. She had just married her husband within the year of her son’s birth; although, I have not gotten their marriage record yet. It’s very interesting that her son, my match’s paternal grandfather, is named Donald, the same name as my great uncle. I also finally got a working number for my match’s uncle, and I called. I was hoping for a photo of his parents, but he had asked how he was supposed to do that, more in a not willing sort of way. He seemed a little upset with the information presented to him, but I got the feeling that he wasn’t necessarily surprised. He then said he wanted to end the conversation and was not interested in it anymore. I am hoping that one day I can get a photo of my match’s paternal grandparents, along with his paternal grandfather’s mother’s marriage record, not that a child can’t come about while married to someone else. 😉 I am also hoping that my match will be willing to speak to me about his matches, and let me view them, as I would be able to confirm it by HIS shared matches. His mother said she would give him my number, not to mention I left him a message on Ancestry (that has been viewed) and Facebook, with no response. ☹ Well, here it is, after discovering my match 2 days ago: In summary, I find it very interesting that my match’s paternal grandfather was named Donald, the same name as that of my great uncle, but I strongly believe his paternal grandmother is my great uncle’s child. She was born in the exact area where my great uncle was at the time, and her mother didn’t marry until she was almost 5 months pregnant with her. I will not know for certain until I can compare pictures, and until my match is willing to respond to me and hopefully lets me view his matches. 😊 To follow this story from the beginning, you can find the links below: Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 1 Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 2 Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 3 Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 4 Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 5 Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 6 Find more research tips under the category Genealogy Research Tips, brick wall tips under the Genealogy Brick Wall Cases category, and DNA tips under the DNA Simplified category. I'd love to read your comments! My older site theme does not support the "Leave a Reply" field labels; if you'd like to leave a comment on a blog, the fields are: Name, Email, Site (if you'd like), and Comment, the standard fields 😉 ←Back to Genealogy Research Tips Page This post is a participant in the Genealogy Blog Party! Other related genealogy brick wall research cases that may be of interest:
1/1/2022 01:00:53 pm
You are doing well working through this. These cases are often difficult to confirm - both via DNA and from the family concerned. Good to be able to lean on DNA Painter's tools. I'm not one for matching faces though I do love photographs.
1/1/2022 04:40:21 pm
Thanks Diane! I have it narrowed it down to 1 of 2, as the child of my great uncle, but without seeing my matches DNA matches,I would not be able to confirm which of the 2 of his grandparents it is. I have solved many DNA mysteries thus far. DNA Painter is a wonderful tool to use in conjunction with other tools and methods. Photos are just a very small piece to help in the puzzle. ;)
1/7/2022 10:06:09 am
You have me intrigued. I need to go back and read this saga from the beginning. You're inspiring me to work harder on my DNA mystery--a large group of matches all descended from one early 19th century ancestor (through both his wives). I'm pretty sure they must connect somehow to my brick wall 2nd great grandmother, but haven't been able to figure out how. I'll dig in on DNA Painter.
1/7/2022 10:55:27 am
Yes Kim, please take a look at this from the start. I'm so glad it "inspired" you, that is my hope! DNA painter is a fantastic tool, in conjunctions with other methods! I have solved a lot of family mysteries, brick walls, family secrets, etc. for myself and clients with these tools and techniques!
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