Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 3Continued from Part 2 Continue with me in my story, from Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 2, of my temporary genealogy brick wall for yet another new DNA mystery match that had just showed up. I call it a temporary brick wall because I have not really exhausted all of my resources, but I had found all the known descendants for those lines (not to mention that I know of that generation’s descendants very well), and he is not one of them. So, a recap of my last steps:
Fan Out: None of the numbers in any of the public record databases, for my match, were working numbers. Time to fan out! 😊 By searching through public records and seeing other associates and relatives, and their ages, I found that my match’s father’s first wife was not his mother. There was no other record showing that his father and mother were married/ a couple, except being associated in public records, and her Facebook (which I trolled 😉).
I was able to search out his mother’s maiden name in public records. I then added her as his mother to my tree I had built for them, and then added a couple of children to her and his father (one male, one female), once again with no first names or any other info added for the children. I was able to find just one child born to them, a daughter. I then had thought for a moment that maybe she was his stepmother, and that’s why she was associated with him on all his records. Through more Google digging, I had realized that the child I had found born to them was the same person; he had changed gender. I had found a college bio online for their daughter, and in looking at the photo had realized it was my match, who had just recently changed his name and gender. I then added his name in quotations to the daughter I had originally found for them. Any other records I would now look up, would be searched with both names. So far, all his mother’s numbers were non-working as well. In the meantime, while I was trying to get a working number, I decided to work on his mother’s and father’s lines on my tree I made for them, to see what DNA relationships would fit, based off ages and places. Stay tuned for more in Part 4 to see what I had discovered! 😊 Interactive Questions: Have you fanned out in your research to help break down brick walls? Have you sought out your matches in public records or social media? Let me know in the comments below! Update, Novemeber 14, 2021: Part 4 is now here!: Genealogy Brick wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match-Part 4 Follow This Story from the Beginning: Genealogy Brick Wall: Another New DNA Mystery Match- Part 1 More DNA and Genealogy Research Tips and Resources: Find more research tips under the Genealogy Research Tips category, brick wall tips under the Genealogy Brick Wall Cases category, and DNA/genetic genealogy tips under the DNA Simplified category. You can also find some DNA research resources, to help you in your research, on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page. Below you'll find some other genealogy brick wall research cases that may be of interest:
11/13/2021 07:50:24 am
This DNA series about your search techniques for breaking one of your brick walls has been fascinating. Looking forward to the next installment.
11/13/2021 08:46:06 am
Thank you Molly! I am so glad you are enjoying it! Yes, please stay tuned! I hope it can help others! :)
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February 2025