Okay, so this is my RootsTech strategy!
and that's my strategy to get the most out of RootsTech, and hopefully not miss a thing! :) Follow more on the RootsTech Genealogy Conference below, and in Genealogy Events, along with Genealogy Resources. One More Week Till the "Free" RootsTech Connect 2021 Family History Conference! RootsTech Connect 2021- Free Genealogy Event RootsTech Connect 2021 Sessions- More Than 800 FREE Genealogy Sessions!!! Rootstech Connect 2021 Has Come to and End, or Has It? RootsTech Connect 2022: The Largest Family History Event FREE Again! P.S... My older site theme does not support the "Leave a Reply" field labels; if you'd like to leave a comment on a blog, the fields are: Name, Email, Site (if you'd like), and Comment, the standard fields 😉
Remember, when starting your genealogy, always start with now and work your way from the known to the unknown. 😉 Follow more Genealogy Tips of the Day here: Genealogy Quick Tips
Hosted by FamilySearch.org, and a FREE 3 day event starting this Thursday...register now, so you don't miss out! Check out all the FREE classes they are offering for this 3 day event below!!! It's your chance to learn everything you can about family history and genealogy, along with activities, famous keynote speakers, cultural events, cooking classes, yoga, a huge expo and more, all for FREE!!! Register at: https://www.rootstech.org/?lang=eng Follow more on the RootsTech Genealogy Conference below, and in Genealogy Events, along with Genealogy Resources. One More Week Till the "Free" RootsTech Connect 2021 Family History Conference! RootsTech Connect 2021- Free Genealogy Event My RootsTech Connect 2021 Strategy! Rootstech Connect 2021 Has Come to and End, or Has It? RootsTech Connect 2022: The Largest Family History Event FREE Again! P.S... My older site theme does not support the "Leave a Reply" field labels; if you'd like to leave a comment on a blog, the fields are: Name, Email, Site (if you'd like), and Comment, the standard fields 😉 Remember, Find a Grave is a great site for headstone pics, but use any other info VERY loosely. 😉 Follow more Genealogy Tips of the Day here: Genealogy Quick Tips
Preserving your family history and providing connection through learning about your ancestors is what genealogy is all about!
Not only can you find your birth parents, connect with long-lost relatives, trace your family medical history, trace your ethnicity, trace inheritances, and more with genealogy, but learning about our family history can provide meaningful connections to our ancestors, while bringing us a stronger sense of who we are. It can fill an intrinsic need in each of us to understand who we are and how we fit into this vast world we live in, by bringing the past, present and future together. Connection, and a sense of belonging can be very therapeutic for some. It's so important to record your family history, if not for you, then at least for future generations, so each successive generation can also have a strong sense of belonging. Learning about the adversities in the generations before us, can help us in our current daily lives, by helping us learn to be more understanding of others, while also teaching us about resiliency. By researching your family history, not only do you find out about your roots and where you came from, but you can also develop a sense of cultural connection and ethnic identity, while also learning about family traditions and medical conditions, and so much more! Our family history is about what makes us who we are! So preserve your family genealogy, culture, traditions, stories, photos, recipes, and anything else you may have for future generations to learn about those that came before, and give them a sense of who they are! My goal is to help as many as I can to preserve their family history for future generations to come! Did you know that RootsTech Connect, hosted by Family Search, will be free this year, and virtual?
Follow more on the RootsTech Genealogy Conference below, and in Genealogy Events, along with Genealogy Resources. One More Week Till the "Free" RootsTech Connect 2021 Family History Conference! RootsTech Connect 2021 Sessions- More Than 800 FREE Genealogy Sessions!!! My RootsTech Connect 2021 Strategy! Rootstech Connect 2021 Has Come to and End, or Has It? RootsTech Connect 2022: The Largest Family History Event FREE Again! P.S... My older site theme does not support the "Leave a Reply" field labels; if you'd like to leave a comment on a blog, the fields are: Name, Email, Site (if you'd like), and Comment, the standard fields 😉 Do not feel pressured into having to share your Ancestry family tree with everyone who asks. 😉 Follow more Genealogy Tips of the Day here: Genealogy Quick Tips
RootsTech Connect is the largest family history conference in the world!
It is hosted by FamilySearch, and this year, due to Covid, it will be virtual and free! If you're interested in discovering family, and preserving your stories, this is an awesome event to attend, and you can't beat free! They have celebrity keynote speakers, beginner and advanced classes, interactive cultural activities, a giant expo hall, an opportunity to chat with experts, a virtual marketplace, and so much more! If you'd like to celebrate your family, discover and record your family stories, get connected with cool technology and services to help with your family history, learn tips and tricks that can help you find your family, and connect with family history experts, then you should definitely register for RootsTech! RootsTech will be held this year Feb 25-27 Don't miss out! Start your family journey of discovery, join over 200,000 people, and reserve your spot now! Register now Follow more on the RootsTech Genealogy Conference below, and in Genealogy Events, along with Genealogy Resources. RootsTech Connect 2021- Free Genealogy Event RootsTech Connect 2021 Sessions- More Than 800 FREE Genealogy Sessions!!! My RootsTech Connect 2021 Strategy! Rootstech Connect 2021 Has Come to and End, or Has It? RootsTech Connect 2022: The Largest Family History Event FREE Again! P.S... My older site theme does not support the "Leave a Reply" field labels; if you'd like to leave a comment on a blog, the fields are: Name, Email, Site (if you'd like), and Comment, the standard fields 😉 The quest to uncover our ancestral roots and understand our genetic makeup has never been easier, thanks to a plethora of online genealogy platforms. Here is a curated list of my top picks for sites, based on various criteria, that have provided invaluable insights into my family tree and DNA results. Whether you choose to explore a single site or delve into several, these resources are sure to enrich your journey into your family's past! My Preferred Online Genealogy Sites for My Family Tree and DNA Results
In the varied landscape of genealogy websites, it's important to recognize that each platform has its unique strengths and offerings. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, every site provides distinct features and tools that cater to different aspects of genealogical research. This perspective allows us to appreciate the variety and specialization within the field, ensuring that each individual's journey in uncovering their lineage is well-supported by the right resources. Although, this post explores my picks, along with some of the differences between them, it may help you to understand which sites might align best with your specific genealogical needs and interests. Ancestry and AncestryDNAI love the layout of Ancestry.com for your tree; it's easy to use, and easy on the eyes. I feel it's the most up to date and best place to store my tree. It's also free to store your, entire, tree on! I love all the records you can get online for Ancestry.com, but over the years, as they have tried to make their search engine better, I have found it to be super frustrating at times, and not as great as before. A lot of the time, I keep Family Search open, while on Ancestry, to use their search engine for records that I know will be available there. I feel their search engine is much more accurate, easier to use, and better with name variations. I feel Ancestry.com has the best DNA matching for me. I like their large pool of matches (they have the largest match database), and the aesthetics. This is where I get the most matches from, and rely heavily on my matching. I also love the new grouping feature they developed to group your matches, it makes it much easier to tell who the majority of your matches are, to build a DNA tree! Years ago, I felt FamilyTreeDNA gave me my most accurate ethnicity, but over the years, I feel Ancestry has the most accurate ethnicity estimate for me, even though they're constantly changing it! Ancestry and AncestryDNA Udate (4/25/2022): There have been a lot of updates to Ancestry since this original post, as all the sites constantly update their sites, features, and tools. Some of those updates are bigger ones that we notice and get excited about, and some are so small that we didn't even know they happened, but ALL updates help us in more ways than we're aware of. Ancestry has come out with their new Deep Dive feature that you can read about in Ancestry's New Deep Dive Census Record Feature!, a whole new look to their pages and a new photo editor tool that you can read about in Genealogy Resources: Ancestry's New Photo Editor and New Look Updates!, their new 1950 Census District Finder tool that you can read about in Get Ready for the 1950 Census with New Updates and FREE Cool Helps from Ancestry!, and their new DNA SideView feature that you can read about in Ancestry's New SideView Ethnicity Inheritance DNA Feature! Plus they have updated their ethnicity results a couple of times since this original post. Update (6/17/2024): As there are so many updates (tons) throughout the year, I may not be able to list them all here as they become available. Be sure to keep up to date with Ancestry and AncestryDNA, and what they have to offer, under the Ancestry.com category of my blog. FamilyTreeDNAThis was the first site I had tested on over 10 years ago, and I was super excited! To be honest, I hadn't gotten a taste of what was to come with the other sites I tested with later! I feel FamilyTreeDNA is the best for deeper ancestry, and gives you amazing information! 23andMeI originally tested with 23andMe, for their medical aspect, years ago for fun! Who would've thought that they would have so many other features that I like! I really love 23andMe's DNA presentation! They present it in such an awesome, informative, easy to use, organized, and fun way! You can even order a book about your DNA! MyHeritageI love that MyHeritage gives me matches of people in Europe, so far back, that I don't get on the other sites! They have state-of-the-art photo tools, and I love their family tree charts you can print out!!! Unlike Ancestry, MyHeritage has many DNA tools such as their Chromosome Browser, AutoClusters, and more. To be honest, I have always had what I needed from Ancestry and DNA Painter, so haven't tried them out yet. This was also the last site I tested with, and it wasn't until recently (when they had a FREE upload special going on), so I haven't had much time to play around with it yet. That's next on my list of things to do! MyHeritage Update (4/25/2022): MyHeritage just keeps outdoing themselves with their photo tools! Since this post, they came out with DeepNostalgia that brings your photos to life, which you can read about in my posts, The My Heritage Deep Nostagia Tool: Photos Brought to Life! and As of Today, a New Games Changer from MyHeritage!. They came out with a photo resoration tool, and they recently came out with their updated color restoration, which you can read about in MyHeritage In Color: Updated Photo Color Restoration. The best yet, is their newest release, LiveStory, in which you can make your ancestors talk and tell their own stories! You can read about it in MyHeritage Livestory: Make Your Ancestor's Photos Talk and Tell their Story! I absolutely love MyHeritage's photo tools and can't get enough! I think they're a must in everyone's genealogy toolbox to enhance your family history! They recently added Labels, which is color coding for your DNA matches, and they also added a new Family Tree Timeline feature. Update (6/17/2024): As there are so many updates (tons) throughout the year, I may not be able to list them all here as they become available. Be sure to keep up to date with MyHeritage and MyHeritage DNA, and what they have to offer, under the MyHeritage category of my blog. FamilySearchI absolutely love FamilySearch for their records, search engine, research Wiki, Communities, resources, interactive activities, classes, pretty much EVERYTHING! Their Collaborative Tree is great for beginners, and people looking to connect, but I feel is not the place to STORE your online tree for advance users, as that is not what it is meant for. If you use it as a place to STORE or share YOUR Particular family tree, you will most likely be extremely frustrated, as it is a COLLABORATIVE tree, for everyone to collaborate on in that family line. It is a tree for everyone, not just your tree anymore, so keep that in mind. Update (6/17/2024): As there are so many updates (tons) throughout the year, I may not be able to list them all here as they become available. Be sure to keep up to date with FamilySearch, and all they have to offer, under the FamilySearch category of my blog and on the FamilySearch Blog. QuestionsHave you used all of these sites? What is your preferred family tree storage site, all-in-one online research site, and DNA results site? Let me know in the comments below! More Genealogy Research and DNA ResourcesLearn about other resources you can use for your family history and DNA research to help build your family tree, under the Genealogy Resources category and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
FeaturedTop PostsBlogrollEvalogue.Life, Heart of the Family, Molly's Canopy, Climbing My Family Tree, Cami Mayer, Field Genealogist, Ancestor Detective, DNA Breakthroughs, Your DNA Guide, Ancestral Findings, Genealogy Tip of the Day, Family History Daily, Genea-Musings
BlogI hope my family history and genealogy blog on genealogy research tips, resources, events, and more, along with my own genealogy journeys, will help you in your research and in building your family tree to learn more about your ancestors and family history to preserve for future generations to come! Come visit me at Know Who Wears the Genes in Your Family if you're interested in starting your family history journey, booking me for your next speaking event, or family history and genealogy heirloom products!
February 2025