MyHeritage: Updated Family Statistics Feature for Your Family Tree!There are tons of genealogy tools and resources out there, but did you know there is one place that offers a plethora of cool, helpful tools all in one place? MyHeritage has tons of FREE analytics for your family tree, with their Family Statistics feature filled with interactive charts and metrics, to help you see your family history in a whole new light! With categories like Places, Ages, Births, Marriage, Children, Divorces, and their brand-new Relationships category, you can understand your family history in a fun and engaging way! Everything is clickable in each category, showing you either percentages or taking you to a particular relative. The new Relationship category goes a step further by bringing you to an ancestor list that is specific for that metric! You can reach the Family Statistics charts by clicking on the "Home" dropdown menu, then selecting "Family Statistics". MyHeritage Family Statistics Overview Category:MyHeritage New Family Statistics Relationship Category:If I click on "3 steps away from you" on the "Steps away from you" chart in the Family Statistics Relationship category, it shows me all the people in my tree that are 3 steps away from me (based on who I have included in my MyHeritage family tree), as shown below. If I click on "Related specifically through his father", concerning my father, on the "How people are related to you" chart in the Family Statistics Relationship category, it shows me all the people in my tree that are related through him (based on who I have included in my MyHeritage family tree), as shown below. Likewise, If I click on "Related specifically through his mother", concerning my father, on the "How people are related to you" chart in the Family Statistics Relationship category, it shows me all the people in my tree that are related through her (based on who I have included in my MyHeritage family tree), as shown below. If I click on "Related specifically through her father", concerning my mother, on the "How people are related to you" chart in the Family Statistics Relationship category, it shows me all the people in my tree that are related through him (based on who I have included in my MyHeritage family tree), as shown below. Again, if I do the same for "Related specifically through her mother", concerning my mother, on the "How people are related to you" chart in the Family Statistics Relationship category, it shows me all the people in my tree that are related through her (based on who I have included in my MyHeritage family tree), as shown below. MyHeritage Family Statistics Places Category:MyHeritage Family Statistics Ages Category:MyHeritage Family Statistics Births Category:MyHeritage Family Statistics Marriages Category:MyHeritage Family Statistics Children Category:MyHeritage Family Statistics Divorces Category:I do not have my full tree or full details of my ancestors on MyHeritage, as I started with Ancestry well over a decade ago, and it is easier for me to just keep up with one tree in one place, but the more family and details you have on your MyHeritage tree, the more interesting the charts will be!
If you don’t have a MyHeritage account yet, now is the time! It’s a fantastic all-in-one site to store your tree (up to 250 people for free), research records, bring life to your photos, deep dive into your DNA, along with tons of freebies, such as their Family Statistics charts that I just mentioned, beautiful professional heirloom family trees and charts, Free DNA tools, and so much more! Sign up for your FREE MyHeritage account today and access some pretty cool tools, at! More Genealogy Resources: Learn about more resources you can use in your genealogy research and to preserve your family history under the Genealogy Resources category and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page! *The Best of the Genea-Blogs
Marian Burk Wood
11/1/2022 04:58:45 am
Really interesting statistics! In my own family tree, I noticed a few quirks that only popped out because of the way these are calculated and presented visually.
11/3/2022 04:41:12 pm
Yes, they are! I had never noticed it before, until I saw that they did an update. 🙂 These stats aren't totally right, as I don't have my whole tree on there, nor do I have all the details of the people I do have on there. 🙂
11/3/2022 12:47:37 pm
Wow, lots of great graphs that I had not delved into. I have used the one that shows where everyone lives due to somehow an abbreviation for Alabama was populating as Alberta Canada, so that helped me see who needed a correction.
11/3/2022 04:29:59 pm
Thanks, yes, they are! I never noticed them before, until a recent update! Of course they're more useful and interesting if you have your whole tree on MyHeritage. ;)
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February 2025