Ancestry’s New Right Click Feature! Ancestry has just come out with a new feature, at the beginning of this week, to help make it easier to add, edit, and work on your family tree, helping you to save precious time while working on your family history, Right Click! You can right click on any person in your tree, or tap and hold, to work faster! Ancestry seems to be Keeping up to date and following the lead of others. As in most programs and browsers, right clicking will bring up quick actions. Ancestry has followed suit with a toolbox of quick actions you can take on a person in your family tree right away, just by right clicking on them. Hopefully they’ll add this feature to the family in profile pages as well. 😉 Right Click Feature Tools The new Ancestry Right Click feature has 10 quick tools that can be easily accessed.
To be honest, the "delete person" makes me a little nervous being a quick action in this feature. 😉 More Ancestry and Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry updates, tips, tools, and features and other family history and genealogy resources under the and Genealogy Resources category and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
AncestryDNA New DNA Communities Story Feature & Updated DNA Story! Ancestry has been upgrading their DNA Story this past week with lots of new updates! As mentioned last week, in Ancestry DNA Updates: New DNA Community Record Collections Feature!, they added a new DNA records collections feature to DNA communities, along with new ethnicity updates, and have now revamped it with a new look, while adding animation, stories, and more! What’s New at AncestryDNA
New Background Color Toggle & Ethnicity ColorsNew Animated DNA Communities Maps & Timeline StoriesMore Ancestry, DNA, and Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry updates, tips, tools, and features and other family history and genealogy resources under the, Genetic Genealogy and DNA, and Genealogy Resources category and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
Ancestry Updates: DNA Community Record Collections Feature!Going into Ancestry the other day, I noticed that not only did Ancestry update DNA ethnicity estimates again but added a new feature in AncestryDNA as well, DNA Community Record Collections! Right now, by going through the long list of DNA that I manage, it seems to just be for African American and Irish communities. I’m sure many more will come soon, as I just noticed it on the 25th of July, and it was not there the day before! So, if you are a beginner and have African American or Irish ethnicity, along with DNA communities as part of your AncestryDNA results, you will have some cool helps to get you going on where to look! Did you know there are over 400 African American and Afro-Caribbean communities and 203 Irish communities for AncestryDNA members? I’m not sure all the communities for these 2 ethnicities are included in this new feature yet, but below you’ll find the ones that are included in the long list of DNA that I manage for family, friends, and clients. African American DNA Community Record Collections
Irish DNA Community Record Collections
How to Get to DNA Community Record Collections
More Ancestry, DNA, and Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry updates, tips, tools, and features; DNA; and other family history and genealogy resources under the, Genetic Genealogy and DNA, and Genealogy Resources category and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
Ancestry Tips: Why You Should Organize Your Managed Trees! Do you have a long list of managed family trees on Ancestry? That list can get fairly long with more than just your personal family tree; you may have DNA match trees, client trees, test trees, family trees for friends, and volunteer case trees, and more! If so, it may be time to start organizing them! Organizing your managed trees on Ancestry may be a lot more important than you may think. If your managed trees aren’t organized, you may not be able to use some of the tools and features on Ancestry with them. Some Ancestry Tools/Features That May Not Work
If you have more than 100 trees, you may not be able to use these features for some of your trees. Ancestry cuts the drop-down lists (shown in the above examples) for these features off at 100, so any trees after the first 100 will be affected. My main/personal family tree starts with an “S”; therefore, it was near the end of the list, and I couldn’t use the “save a record to someone” else feature, which was very frustrating and time consuming. This feature is meant to make things easier and save valuable time. You will want to make sure that any trees that are no longer important, such as archived clients, etc., are moved to the bottom of the list. You can think up any clever naming/labeling system that works for you. I quickly chose a temporary system, for the meantime, that allows me to use these features for the trees that I need to use them on. It is simple, but not only does it let me use these important features, but it also helps me stay organized, by knowing what types of trees they are. I may need to give it a lot more thought in the future. 😉 My temporary Naming/Labeling system
All my personal trees are scattered between, but still fall in the drop-downs. Where to Change Tree Names
*Note: Your labeling system can be changed at any time, as well as removing a name for syncing or reports, then renaming again. *Note: You can also do this for any trees shared with you, as editor. More Ancestry, Organization, and other Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry tips, tools, and features; organization; and and other family history and genealogy resources under the, Organization, and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
Ancestry Updates: New Info Request Feature!Ancestry has a new, much anticipated feature that was mentioned at RootsTech! This feature sets collaborating at a whole new level! As mentioned in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features, they have tons of new tools and features coming out as part of their new updates for this year. As of yesterday, May 25th, they released their new Info Request feature (well, at least I have it), with it’s own icon, where you can request info on a family member! You can get help by asking family, by messaging an Ancestry member, or from the Ancestry Community! This makes collaborating with others so much easier, while getting any info you may need even from outside the Ancestry community! How to Get to Info Request:
Ask Family for Help: Ask family for help with a particular ancestor or relative, by emailing them a link to that person that includes fields to suggest name, birth, and death info!
*Note: I have tested it out multiple times, but I cannot figure out where you can find the suggestions that are made; I have checked anywhere and everywhere so far. Since this just came out yesterday, they may be working out any kinks in it or still working on that part. When they were talking about this, they were thinking it would go straight into your tree, but I am not sure that is the case. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll update this post when they have figured that portion out. 😉 *Update 5/28/23: This morning I was able to find the emailed suggestions under my notifications. Hopefully they will come up with alternate ways to find them, to make it easier, maybe with a notification icon for those suggestions on the person's profile page or quick view profile in Family Tree View. Message an Ancestry Member: Takes you straight to your Ancestry messaging center, where you can search your contact list or message them on their profile, etc. Get Help from the Ancestry Community:
Thoughts about the New Info Request Feature: I’m still not sure about using a question mark icon for this feature yet; maybe they’ll come up with a better one for it, while they are working out the kinks. 😉 This seems like a great way to collaborate and even get help from outside Ancestry! Maybe one day they’ll even ramp it up so that you can have others see an entire ancestor’s or relative’s profile page without having to make your whole tree public or share your whole tree, to request info. If so, that would be an extremely fantastic feature that is much needed! More Ancestry and Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry features and other family history and genealogy resources under the and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
Ancestry Updates: New Comments Activity and Icon Feature!Ancestry has just made it a whole lot easier to collaborate! As mentioned in Ancestry’s New Tree Edit History Feature and Tool Icons and Ancestry Updates: BETA Family Tree Views and Toolbox Icons, Ancestry has been testing their family tree views and toolbox icons, along with the placement of icons, as part of their new updates for this year. You can learn more about some of their new and upcoming features and tools in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features. They are trying to make it as easy as possible to find everything you need and to be able to collaborate! As of 2 days ago, on May 12th, they released their new comments activity icon that you can now find (or choose to show) in your family tree views! This makes collaborating with others so much easier! Guests, whether for a public or private family tree, and Contributors and editors to a private tree, can now make or see a comment on someone in a tree quickly, while in family tree view! You can also share important comments for public view as well. Comments Activity and Icon:
Where to Find the New Ancestry Comments Activity Icon:
How to Get to Ancestry Updated Comments Activity:
How to Turn Off the Ancestry Comments Activity Icon:You can toggle your “Family Tree View” icon either off, if you find it annoying or an eyesore, or on if you find it useful to see new comments right away from your tree as a whole. More and other Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry features and other family history and genealogy resources under the and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
Ancestry Updates: BETA Family Tree Views and Toolbox Icons Ancestry is at it again. As mentioned in Ancestry’s New Tree Edit History Feature and Tool Icons, Ancestry has been testing their family tree views and toolbox icons as part of their new features and tools updates for this year. You can learn more about some of their new and upcoming features and tools in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features. In the past 6-8 weeks or so, I have gotten multiple BETA versions of how their family tree view and toolbox icons, and placement, may look soon. My family tree view has gone back and forth between different BETA versions and the current version. There was one particular version that let you change the background color of your family tree view, but they just changed the BETA version again, yesterday, and it is no longer an option; therefore, I will not be able to include a screenshot of that feature. Family Tree View and Toolbox Icon Versions:Ancestry's Current family tree view and toolbox icons for the majority, and my standard view until recently. Ancestry's BETA family tree view and toolbox icons version 1 Yay, I was back to the current version for about a week or so, then Ancestry's BETA family tree view and toolbox icons version 2 popped up. This was just an ever so slight change. Can you spot it? Only the toolbox icon buttons in the top, upper right changed a wee bit. Then I was back to the current version again for about another week, then Ancestry's BETA family tree view and toolbox icons version 3 popped up, yesterday. Family Tree View and Toolbox Icons Version Poll: To be honest, I prefer the current version (first image). The versions with the white border are too much of an eyesore and takes away from the view space, along with looking like just that, in BETA mode. However, I do like the idea of the "tree search" icon button being changed to "find", along with there being a "create a keepsake" button. Overall, I like the current version. I like the look of the view and the look and navigational ease of the toolbox and icons. I would love to get your feedback on which version, thus far (there may be more coming until they settle on a new version), you prefer.
More and other Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry features and other family history and genealogy resources under the and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
Ancestry’s New Messaging Center FeaturesAs mentioned in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features, one of the new Ancestry updates includes a revamped messaging center with new features and tools that brings your messaging through Ancestry to a whole new level, while also making your messaging a whole lot easier! New Messaging Center Features:
Group Messaging on Ancestry:Group chat with up to 10 people at once! From the “New” message button, you can start a group message to chat with up to 10 people at once! This is very handy if you have multiple DNA matches to a particular line or have multiple people researching the same line, making it so much easier to collaborate (share photos to the group, solve brick walls, collaborate on how everyone is DNA matched to each other, etc.), along with less individual messages in your inbox to keep up with! How to Start Group Messaging:
Message Archiving on Ancestry:Clean up your inbox! You can now archive your messages to declutter your messaging inbox, making it so much easier to find current ongoing messages! Don’t worry about not being able to find the archived messages; they make it super easy to get to them, with their new filtering! You can also add them back to your inbox at any time! There are multiple ways to archive your messages; I guess they want to make it as easy as possible for you! 😉 2 Ways to Archive Messages on Ancestry:
Message Filtering on Ancestry: You can now easily filter your messages to find your unread and archived messages, along with viewing them all at one time, making this a time saver! I really like being able to view just my unread messages; although, they are usually at the top of your inbox anyway. 😉 Photo Sharing in Ancestry Messaging: You can now attach images from any of your PUBLIC family trees on Ancestry right into the message itself! Although anyone can attach your PUBLIC photos from your PUBLIC tree anyway, this just makes it a little easier for anyone who hasn’t come across your tree yet, or a DNA match. What I am waiting for is a feature where you can share any photo from your family tree, whether from your PRIVATE family tree (as you may not want ALL your photos set to public but may be okay with sharing a few) or a family photo that is not in your tree (I understand why this one would be difficult, as it would be harder for Ancestry to make sure sharing this way follows their policy), so you don’t have to give your personal email out to email photos to share, etc. How to Photo Share in Ancestry Messaging:
There is a glitch right now that is not letting me choose any other of my public trees, which will hopefully be fixed soon. As this was just 1 of well over 100 trees that I have, and it was just a quick volunteer job tree, there are no photos. How to Get to Ancestry Message Center:
This is all still in BETA mode, so I’m sure they will be tweaking and updating these features, along with fixing any glitches! And who knows, they may even add more to it! More Ancestry and other Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry features and other family history and genealogy resources under the and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
As mentioned in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features, one of the new Ancestry updates includes a DNA compare feature/tool, where you can compare your ethnicity estimates and DNA communities with that of others. This is still in BETA mode, which means they may enhance it or tweak it a bit based on feedback. It also means not all may have it yet. How to Get to DNA CompareThere are a few ways to get to the new DNA Compare feature/tool, in which some are fairly the same; I guess they want to make it as easy as possible for you and don’t want you to miss it. 😉
All three of these will get you to your "DNA Story" page where you can click on either of the blue "Compare my DNA" buttons at the end of either the "Ethnicity estimate" section or the "DNA communities" section. Ancestry's DNA Compare Tools
With both DNA Compare Ethnicity Estimates and DNA Compare DNA Communities, you can choose up to 10 people from your matches or even from DNA tests shared with you, including friends! How to Add or Remove People to Compare or Choose a Tree
Clicking on the “Add or remove” button enables a drop-down box that will allow you to select or remove people from the comparison tool.
You also have two quick options to add or remove a person you are currently comparing in the tool. There is a quick option drop-down (the 3 dots) next to each person you are currently comparing that allows you to quickly delete that person from the comparison and/or view that person, and there is a quick option to add another person, after the last person in the comparison tool, by clicking on the “+” button. There is also a drop-down box where you can choose any DNA test results shared with you and do the same. Once you choose who you want to compare with, you will not only see your ethnicity estimates or DNA communities but your match’s as well. It’s a fun feature, but I’m not quite sure how useful it is yet; I will have to play around with it a bit more. Of course, many people have the same ethnicity estimates on both sides of their families and in general. I think the DNA Compare DNA Communities feature is a little more useful, for me that is. Keep in mind that many families and lines have been in the same areas for generations. If your main two lines are of totally different ethnicities or there are recent immigrants, this will be a very useful tool! 😉 More Ancestry DNA Tools and Features Coming Soon
More Ancestry, DNA, and other Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry features, DNA, and other family history and genealogy resources under the, Genetic Genealogy and DNA, and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page. Related Content:
Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features MyHeritage Features: cM Explainer DNA Tool for Your Genetic Genealogy AncestryDNA New DNA Matches Split by Parent Feature! AncestryDNA’s Chromosome Painter Feature: A Closer Look into Your Ethnicity Inheritance! Ancestry’s New SideView Ethnicity Inheritance DNA Feature! Ancestry's New Tree Edit History Feature and Tool Icons As mentioned in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features, one of the new Ancestry updates includes a tree edit history/recent changes feature/tool and some new family history and genealogy tools and features icons. The tools and features icons are still in BETA mode, so I have been getting different tree view looks, going back and forth, over the past few weeks, and your look may be different than someone else’s. Ancestry’s New Tools and Features Icons:For their new Storymaker feature, which I briefly touched on in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features and will be talking about in more detail soon, they have a new icon to help you get to it quicker in your family tree view, along with many other ways to get to it. Stay tuned! They also have a new Activity icon in family tree view for their new tree edit history/recent changes feature/tool, that I also briefly touched on in Ancestry 2023 Updates: New Genealogy and DNA Tools and Features. Ancestry’s New Tree Edit History/Recent Changes Feature:Ancestry’s new tree edit history feature shows you all the recent changes you or any invited contributors or editors made to your tree and when they were made, with a new icon called Activity that takes you to those recent changes. This is a very useful tool that will help you keep track of changes anyone made or mistakes that were possibly made. Step #1: Click on "Activity" icon in top right panel, then click on "Recent Changes" in the dropdown box Step #2 and #3: View "Recent Changes", then click on "See Connected Changes" to take you to person and change Step #4: View connected change and person where change occured ↨ Ancestry Icons/Toolbox in Family Tree View:Ancestry’s Standard Version Icons/Toolbox: Place #1: Left Side Panel
Ancestry’s BETA Version Icons/Toolbox: Place #1: Left Side Panel
Many of these icons are redundant, but I’m sure they’ll work everything out soon. 😉 Stay tuned for more of Ancestry’s 2023 updates. More Ancestry and other Genealogy ResourcesLearn about more Ancestry features and other family history and genealogy resources under the and Genealogy Resources categories and on my dedicated Genealogy Resources page.
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September 2024